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How to fix a Canon MP237 Printer

How to fix a Canon MP237 Printer

For a time we will share tips for printer Canon MP237 who experienced a problem that must be reset. Canon MP237 multifunction printer is a type that can be used to scan, copy, and print. Many people prefer to use a Canon MP237 as it has some functionality and price is quite affordable. However, users need to know if this type of printer may experience an error at any time. Preview: List Printer Problems and How to Overcome It

To resolve the error with the printer Canon Mp237 need to be reset. So this printer requires resetter, please note this resetter has a function to reset the chip embedded in the printer, where the chip will record every printer printing process. By the time the chip is detected within the maximum number of printing, the printer and Canon MP237 Bliking immediately stopped. This is what often makes users feel panic especially important when printing text in the form of reports or other files.

Error Cause Ink Absorber

Printer Canon wearing small pads that form a sponge to absorb the ink discharge accumulated during printing and cleaning the head cartridge. When the sponge pads full, the printer will notify you with an error message such as P07 or E08 "A printer error has occurred" or "Ink absorber full". See 10 Ways to Take Care of printers that use of Fixed Durability

Error Ink Absorber Full printer Canon MP237 Printer How to Reset Canon

Cessation of the operating system that is making users need resetter to troubleshoot problems that occur on the Canon MP237. The lack of experience usually make the owners are confused how to solve this problem. Especially for beginners who still do not understand the many ways in troubleshooting an error on the Canon MP237. For that as voters Canon MP237 printer you need to know the ways to reset so that no mistake. This method is also suitable for the Canon MP287 printer reset.

Steps How to Reset Printer Canon MP237

Phase 1: Making the printer to service mode

Before performing the reset first step that must be done is to make canon printers into service mode. With the service mode condition then the process will run smoothly. Here are the easy steps into the service mode:

Turn off the printer by pressing the power button, if the condition of your printer is still alive.
Press the STOP / RESET when the condition of the printer is already dead. Then press the power button along with the STOP / RESET.
Remove the pressure of the STOP / RESET and hold pressure on the power button.
At the position of the power button is still depressed, you also have to compensate by pressing the STOP / RESET up to six times and then release simultaneously with the power button.
If you are correct in doing the above step to reset the MP237, the computer will detect a new device if the service mode successfully. otherwise if the process fails then the detection will not appear.

Phase 2: Reset Printer Canon MP237

Start doing the ordered software resetter MP237
Extract and run resetter MP237 by clicking 2 times flie Service tool v3400.exe
1. Sub Tab Clear Ink Counter click Play

2. Sub Tab Ink Absorber Counter click play

3. Click the EPROM then the printer will begin printing a sheet of paper.

Note the picture below:

Image Canon resetter service tool How to Reset Printer Canon

Turn the printer off and on again, if the process is successful then the printer resetter will return as its function.
thumbnail Title : How to fix a Canon MP237 Printer
Posted by : Andra Supriatna
Published : 2016-06-02T07:47:00-07:00
Rating : 5
Reviewer : 79198 Reviews

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