How to Replace Head Printer Epson - Printer Head is one of the components of the printer which plays an important role. If one single problem, so 90% of your printing process will be hampered, For example, if the printer head blocked or damaged, of course, with kodisi so you will not be able to use the printer to the maximum, generally, the constraints on the printer head occurs for two reasons. That is because the nozzle clogged or broken.
Head printers are damaged due to clogged due to ink you use. While the broken nozzle itself caused over head or the head is hot, causing the ink that is issued irregularly or not come out at all.
If it has been damaged like that, you have to change your printer head, Here we are for the steps there can be use to replace the Epson Printer Head yours. This measure applies to all series of Epson printers.
Please have a screw loose again available on the printer carriage. There is a screw cartridge cover that serves to protect the cartridge. On the front side of the cartridge there is a small hook. Take your screwdriver and gently pry up the entire cartridge available. Remove the hose attached to the carriage ink.
Remove the first casing your printer. Search screew your printer and release. Also loose screw that is on the front of the printer.
If the entire screew already detached, on the side of the printer will seem a hook. Please pry up using a screwdriver. Remove the hook also exist in the bottom of the printer and lift the printer casing of the holder. If you do manage to escape cassing, you are ready to enter the stage of replacing the head.
Before lifting the head, here you need to consider that on the right side and left the carriage, there is a small hook. The hook functions as the holder, so that the cartridge can be attached firmly. Please you off by pressing the hook is then slowly you lift it up. To facilitate the work, you should shift the carriage unit to the middle, how to press the carriage lock on the back. The color white is small, use a screwdriver to press the lock.
On the head, there are three (3) bolts that lock the head with a strong, off all three. Once all the bolts off, please unplug the head. Do it with caution
At this point you have managed to remove the printer head is not worth taking. Furthermore, please no post new printer head, which you have prepared in advance in accordance with the steps when you remove the head.
Thus the info How to Replace Head Printer Epson. Hopefully you can replace your defective printer head by applying measures that we have given.
Title : How to Replace Head Printer Epson
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Published : 2016-06-02T09:43:00-07:00
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Published : 2016-06-02T09:43:00-07:00
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